Blood Moons: Decoding the Imminent Heavenly Signs
From the beginning, in Genesis, God declared He specifically created the sun and the moon to be used for signs. These heavenly bodies would be used as signals of coming dramatic historical events when the Creator of the universe would intersect with human history. But how do we unlock the code to interpret the signals? The key is found in the riveting new WND Films documentary based on the book "Blood Moons: Decoding the Imminent Heavenly Signs" by Pastor Mark Biltz. In this film, Biltz shows how throughout history God, the Master Timekeeper, has used the heavenly bodies to communicate to us when significant events would happen. What are the feasts days? What is the difference between the biblical calendar and the one we use today? Why should you be concerned about eclipses in the sky? Biltz answers these questions and more. He explains the importance of these biblical celebrations and milestones and shows how you too can be aware of the signs of things to come.
Starring Mark Biltz
Director George D. Escobar