With BiT, Maguy Marin signs her forty-ninth opus in barely forty years. At the center of this brutal charge against ordinary barbarism lies the question of rhythm. The title refers to the computer term for the unit of measurement of information, this word-syllable gives an initial rhythmic drive, after which the show takes shape, relentless succession of scansions and impulses, twists and tensions orchestrated with the feverish rigor of a dance both joyful and desperate. As a constant in the piece, in an obsessive continuity, the same structure: the farandole, a form of collective dance passed down through the ages, is the recurring motif. All the colors of the human condition slide in, love rites and dances of death. On an exhilarating techno music all in beats, the entire show has no shortage of cruelty on the analysis of contemporary society, in the dark conclusion of the dominations exerted on the intimate as well as the social, a deterioration of which we ourselves are the actors. BiT takes us into the depths of our humanity and questions our individual responsibilities in the turmoil of each passing day.