Birdboy: The Forgotten Children
There is light and beauty, even in the darkest of worlds. Stranded on an island in a post-apocalyptic world, teenager Dinky and her friends hatch a dangerous plan to escape in the hope of finding a better life. Meanwhile, her old friend Birdboy has shut himself off from the world, pursued by the police and haunted by demon tormentors. But unbeknownst to anyone, he contains a secret inside him that could change the world forever. Based on his own graphic novel and award-winning short film, Alberto Vázquez’s Bridboy: The Forgotten Children is a darkly comic, mind-bending fantasy. Gorgeous graphic imagery brings to life a surreal and discordant world populated by adorable (and adorably disturbed) animated critters, searching for hope and love amid the ruin.
Starring Andrea Alzuri, Eva Ojanguren, Josu Cubero
Director Alberto Vázquez, Pedro Rivero