Beyond Human Nature
Available on Philo
November, 1992. It’s a bone-chilling evening in Green Bay, Wisconsin, as paper mill worker Tom Monfils is discovered at the bottom of a pulp vat with a 40-pound weight tied around his neck. Immediately, Monfils’ death is presumed a homicide. Local law enforcement quickly generate a list of suspects among his co-workers. At the top of the list is Keith Kutska, a man who Monfils had recently butted heads with in a very public way. Scrappy detective Randy Winkler spearheads a blistering investigation, but questions linger about his methods. Three years later, the Monfils Six are handed down life sentences before a split courtroom, evoking both sighs of relief and cries of despair. 30 years later, many members of this divided community – including Monfils’ brother – remain convinced of their innocence. So the question persists: Are the Monfils Six a pack of bloodthirsty killers, or did six innocent family men fall prey to a wrongful conviction?
Starring Mike Piaskowski, Randy Winkler, Cal Monfils
Director Michael Neelsen