Becoming Truly Human
Available on Tubi
BECOMING TRULY HUMAN looks at the rise of the “Nones” (or those who check “none of the above' on religion surveys). Multiple research groups report that this group has risen from roughly 6% of the U.S. population in the 1990s to 25% as of 2015. To date, little research exists on this growing demographic. The film follows Basil as he speaks with seven Nones, each of whom shares his or her story of how he or she moved from religious affiliation to religious non-affiliation. Basil hears from each of the seven individually and as a group, as they share their respective views about religion, the world, God, the afterlife, and much more. Woven throughout the film, Basil shares his own journey from religious affiliation in his youth to religious non-affiliation in adulthood, and how his quest for spiritual wholeness ultimately took him from being a None to becoming something else entirely.
Starring Josh Appleton, Tiffany Askin, Laura Collins
Director Nathan Andrew Jacobs