Once upon a time there was a kind merchant who had three daughters. The youngest, Beauty, who had a heart of gold, loved to work in her garden. One day a terrible storm struck and once the storm had cleared, Beauty's father headed off to check on his ship in the port. While returning home, another storm raged all night forcing him to find shelter in an enchanted castle. The next morning, as the merchant was leaving, he picked a single rose from the garden for Beauty, which infuriated the castle's master - The Beast. Beauty set off to find her father trapped in the dungeon of the Castle. She offered to stay in her father's place and through time, learned that Beauty is on the inside and that the Beast was in fact a kind Prince imprisoned himself by a witch's spell. Her love for him sets him free.
Kids & Family
47 min
Michael Gough, John Rafter Lee, Charles Martinet