Away You Go

They say it’s easy to grow up but hard to be a grown-up. Berliner Charlie is certainly finding it damn hard differentiating between her own expectations and those of the people around her. Her boyfriend Marco wants to have a baby and, without being asked, her colleague Gerry offers up his own opinion: ‘What? You’ve been together for five years? Then there’ll soon be three of you!’ But Charlie’s not sure if it would be nice to have a child or whether it would mean she’d just lose sight of herself. Her job as a teacher is often pretty demanding, her beloved, fun-loving grandmother has fallen ill and things aren’t going too well with Marco who often seems to bore her. If only she could reclaim just a little of the old excitement of the time when she’d dance the night away. Others seem to find being a grown-up a lot easier. Gerry decides to buy himself a motor caravan and head for the Balkans, and her best friend sets off on a backpacking tour of Asia. Why is everything changing for those around her and why is she the only one for whom life appears to be at a standstill? What Charlie needs is a breath of fresh air.
Victoria Schulz, Aleksandar Radenkovic, Daniel Zillmann
Philipp Eichholtz