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Roberto is an unemployed and broke advertising executive, turned down by every agency he has applied to for a job. His finances are in despair and he is on the verge of losing himself. Nobody seems to be bothered that he was the brains behind Coca Colas megafamous slogan: The Spark Of Life! All of this is about to change when he finds himself hanging onto life by a thread following a terrible accident. The emergency services, the firemen and the paramedics are at a loss on how to free him from where he is trapped. The dramatic and somewhat absurd nature of the accident generates media attention and so taking advantage of his advertising experience, the protagonist decides to milk the situation, turning it into a media spectacle. He hires an agent with one thought in mind: sell the TV exclusive to secure his familys future.
Starring José Mota, Salma Hayek, Blanca Portillo
Director Álex de la Iglesia