Arctic Friends: Shorts Collection 40
Enjoy this extraordinary collection of animated short films featuring the lovable characters from Arctic Friends. The Shorts Collection 40 includes 4 amazing episodes: Swifty and the kid, Arctic Puffins, A modern home, Otto's monolith Swifty and the kid: Swifty is touched by the antics of a young daredevil hare. To play along with the little upstart, the fox gets entangled in all sorts of intolerable situations. How will he resist? Arctic Puffins: Swifty and PB lose their way on account of an avalanche and in this epic episode they'll be helped by the Puffins and by Johnny Puff. High adventure and music for a crossover between Arctic Friends and Puffins. A modern home: Swifty swipes a special remote control from Jade that is able to control furniture and electronic devices from a distance. Clumsy, the fox breaks the remote control. How will he get by in a house that comes to life and rebels against him? Otto's monolith: Otto gives Julia Goat a super-technological cell phone that he has personally invented. Swifty and PB are the ones who deliver the gift. Between the old and hard-of-hearing she-goat and the two friends who have no expertise in such things, no one seems capable of figuring out what the mysterious object is good for. Jade's arrival will likely solve the big mystery. This is the absolute first episode in which our protagonists will talk with real dialogue!
Starring Jade, P.B., Swifty
Director Giuseppe Squillaci