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Many of may find Antartida a bit cynical and rough, but it’s just the way its director Manuel Huerga wanted it to be. He grew up in times when you could buy drugs practically on every street in Spain. Some dealers offered to try for free first to cause addiction. With this film, Manuel wants to protect us from the influence of psychotropic drugs. Selling drugs to drunken people outside the club was not the only thing Maria did in her life. She used to be a little girl with curly pigtails and huge bows on her head. Everything changed after her parents died. She was left in care of herself. She lived on a street where she was picked by drug dealers. They lured her to their drug den by giving her painkillers. Not she is selling drugs, has her own house and plans for future, not related to her current occupation. The viewer who started watching Antartida in good quality will anxiously watch Maria trying to finish with this profitable but inhuman business. Not that she really cared about it, but she felt wrong when doing bad things to someone. Parents of those kids to whom she is selling drugs sincerely hope for their children’s prudence, but in real life they are always open to something new. Maria could have her own kids too… She told about her firm intention to leave this endangering her life. She is offered one last deal, promising to let her go. Will those, who put money before people’s lives, keep their promise, and will Maria agree to these conditions? You will find this out after finishing watching Antartida online
Starring Francis Lorenzo, Cristina Hoyos, Ariadna Gil
Director Manuel Huerga