American Dreamers
Available on Pluto TV, Prime Video, Tubi TV, Amazon Freevee
"American DREAMers" follows the journey of Jon, Vero, Raymi, Jose, Alex, and Nico - also known as the Campaign for an American DREAM (CAD) - a group of five undocumented youth and an ally who risk their freedom to organize for immigrant rights by outing themselves as undocumented and walking more than 3, 000 miles across America's heartland. Their stories of growing up in a country they know as home while constantly fearing that their families will be separated, inspires people from all parts of the country to take part in what they believe is their civil rights movement. These are college students, young professionals, activists, and community leaders. They are undocumented and unafraid.
Starring Jonatan Martinez, Veronica Gomez, Raymi Gutierrez
Director Jenniffer Castillo, Saray D. Guidetti