American Bolshevik

The coyote is the most hunted animal in the United States, and has been the target of a century-long campaign for eradication. 500, 000 of these animals are killed each year by individuals and government agencies, often via inhumane methods such as leg-hold traps, aerial shooting, hunting dogs, and poisoning. In spite of the attempt to eradicate this intelligent and adaptable predator, the coyote has not only survived, but has expanded its territory throughout the United States, and now inhabits nearly all rural, suburban, and urban areas of the country. The coyote fills an important niche in these environments since nearly all natural predators had been extirpated. As the coyote has expanded its territory, it has evolved and adapted to changes along the way. Human residents in these new areas have studied this fascinating animal in order to understand its behavior and how to coexist with one of America's most iconic predators.
Dan Flores, Camilla Fox, Chris Schadler
Julie Marron