All My Goddess
The story began during a wedding ceremony. Ka Yan (Shirley Yeung) thought that she have met the man of her dreams, Gary (Christopher Lee) and decides to marry him. They invited all their friends from different parts of the world, including her ex stewardess colleagues Eileen (Maggie Cheung), Zhao Lup Guan (Annie Liu), Chen Yok Yin (Michelle Wai).When they arrive at the wedding venue in Penang, the three of them who are busy managing the details of the wedding venue met up with the groom’s best friend, Wong Zi (Louis Cheung), the director for the live broadcast Shin (Alex Fong), best man Lok (Vincent Kok) and others. However, one day before the wedding, Ka Yan decided to run away; however, what worries the groom most wasn’t the fact that the bride had ran away, but is because the promised live broadcast of the wedding cannot be done. In actual fact, the reason for the live broadcast of the wedding is because the groom owes a huge sum of money, and the whole wedding was just a scheme to reap the benefits from the sponsors for the live broadcast of the wedding. After the wedding, the leftover ladies have different perspective on life and continue life journey in their own ways.
Starring Annie Liu Xin-you, Maggie Cheung Ho Yee, Michelle Wai
Director Clifton Ko Chi-Sum