A Wandering Path : The Story of Gilead Media
Available on Pluto TV, Prime Video, Tubi
A Wandering Path delves into the world of Adam Bartlett, his Gilead Media record label, the bands he represents and the music festival he organizes called Migration Fest. Through live performances, interviews, and behind-the-scenes hangouts, we meet the artists behind the music and how they harnessed the power of music to overcome life's challenges. A Wandering Path, features appearances from members of Panopticon, Couch Slut, A Scanner Darkly, Mizmor, Thou, Emma Ruth Rundle, Krallice, Inter Arma, Neurosis, Enslaved, His Hero is Gone, Yellow Eyes, Mania, Leech, Blood Incantation, Fell Voices, Mutilation Rites, Wiegedood, Fórn and Pyrolatrous.
Starring Emma Ruth Rundle, Adam Bartlett, Liam Neighbors
Director Michael Dimmitt