A Thousand and One Nights in Bohemia
Jack, at an all-time low, spends a weekend in a Los Angeles airport hotel and calls for an escort from Prague named “Scheherazade. ” Captivated by the intricate tales she spins, Jack becomes fascinated by this mysterious woman. Her stories, rich with complex connections between two young lovers, begin to intertwine with the passionate love story that develops in the hotel room. As their encounter deepens, Jack starts questioning which story is real—her elaborate tales or the reality they are living. The lines blur between fiction and truth, and the identities of the lovers in her stories and those in the room become more intertwined. Scheherazade's Tale is a compelling exploration of storytelling, identity, and the passionate connections that can arise from even the most unlikely encounters. As Jack delves into her world, he’s led to confront his own truths in unexpected ways. This intriguing drama will keep you guessing until the very end.
Starring Troy Garity, Klára Issová, Will Foster Stewart
Director Rafal Zielinski