A Shot In the Dark
Available on Tubi TV
Despite a lifetime of adversity, a blind high school wrestler attempts to win a New Jersey State Championship before the end of his senior year. Anthony Ferraro has always tried to live a normal life. As he entered junior high, Anthony decided to try his luck at wrestling. After a dismal first season, he begged his father to enroll him in a wrestling club. His father obliged and found a coach willing to teach a blind kid to wrestle. The following year, despite his obvious disadvantage, Anthony went 24-1. Three years later, Anthony has set a number of goals for himself; to become the first three-time District Champ in his school's history, break the school record for most wins, and become the first blind state champion in New Jersey wrestling history. The question is, does he have a shot in the dark?
Starring Mike Malinconico, Pat Smith, Tony Caravella
Director Chris Suchorsky