"God, our family may all end up dying. Save us, Lord..." On the day she went home from the postnatal care center after giving birth to a baby girl, Eunjoo finds out that her husband has stage 4 colon cancer. Not long after that, her mother-in-law dies suddenly. Then, less than a week after her husband's final round of chemotherapy, Eunjoo learns that she has stage 4 lymphoma. In the face of hardships that hit them one after the other, this couple could do nothing else but lament deeply and cling to God through prayer. "A life in which I die to myself and only Jesus lives in me..." His life was like that of Job from the Bible. On the face of unimaginably difficult circumstances, husband and father Khwanhee Lee never gave up trusting in the Lord nor did he resent anyone. What did he look to as he stood between life and death?What compelled such a strong confession of faith? Unfolding on the screen is the story of Khwanhee Lee and how he strived to live a life of true faith even if just for one more day.