A Hero For Daisy

A Hero For Daisy, chronicles two-time Olympian Chris Ernst who galvanized her rowing team to storm the Yale athletic director’s office in 1976 to protest the lack of locker room facilities for the women. Nineteen athletes stripped, exposing the phrase “Title IX” in blue marker (referring to legislation enacted in 1972, mandating gender equity for all institutions receiving federal aid). The impact was immediate and national in scope. The film was hailed by The New York Times as a “landmark film” (Martha Ackman); “fantastic” (John Walters, Sports Illustrated); “remarkable” (Bill Littlefield, NPR); “powerful” (Barbara Huebner, The Boston Globe); “a must see” (Sports Illustrated for Women); “inspirational” (TV Guide); and columnist Jay Weiner wrote for The Minneapolis Star Tribune, “If you are a boy or man, and think Title IX was unnecessary, check out this film. If you are a girl or woman, and believe enforcing Title IX was a polite tea party, see this movie…”
Chris Ernst, John Kerry
Mary Mazzio