6 Films to Keep You Awake: Xmas Tale
Available on Pluto TV, Plex
A group of children spending Christmas in a summer resort village discover a woman disguised as Santa Claus in a well in the woods. When they go to the police for help, they discover that she is in fact a dangerous thief who is on the run with a substantial haul. They make a decision. They will help her out of the well in exchange for the money that she still has on her. But once they have the money, greed, fear and darker thoughts lead them to change their plans, which in turn leads to a series of dilemmas. Should they keep the money? Why would they actually want to help her out of the well? And would they be in danger if they did let her out? So the children decide not to free her. They feed her and look after her but the days become increasingly long in the well. The cold, the damp, the darkness and above all the fact that she is being fed with packets of childrens food are turning her enforced captivity into a torture session with near fatal consequences. One day, when the children come to see her, the well is empty... This year, Santa Claus is coming with a sackful of deadly gifts.
Starring Pau Poch, Christian Casas, Roger Babia
Director Paco Plaza