1997: Trouble & Tragedy

It is true that Diana’s life was complicated, and it ended tragically. There are still some unanswered questions around her death, but ultimately, fame killed her. Diana didn’t just accept the world around her for the way it was, and she used her role in the public eye to help causes that many others overlooked. Diana was proof that it is still possible to achieve and surpass the expectations placed on you by other people. Diana was glamorous, magnetic, photogenic, mercurial, manipulative and intuitive; media victim and perpetrator; the Real Princess of Kensington, a reality star before such a thing existed. She was and always will be a worldwide symbol of love, compassion and charity, and both her fame and public admiration were unprecedented. What made Diana so special to millions, if not billions of people, was her innate ability to offer comfort to those who needed it and by always doing what she believed was right, even when it went against societal norms or royal tradition.
Duncan Shiels, Ingrid Seward, Paul Burrell
Remone Jones