Winner's Blood

Winner's Blood

S1 E1: Joe Force lives a life of sex (sometimes), drugs (all the time), and (bad) rock n’ roll. He’s a boozy cover band singer who has a good time going nowhere. But all that changes when he finds out his dad, Colonel Tom Force, the Godfather of Aerobics has died of a heart attack. When Joe returns home, he learns that he’ll only receive his $8 million inheritance if he beats his old rival, Barry Cross at the next Competitive Aerobics Championships. Barry happens to be the guy who beat Joe in the same championships years ago, in high school. He’s also the guy who married Claudia, Joe’s former flame. Can Joe take on his father’s challenge? With the help of his mother, Janet, a former beauty queen and partner in Colonel Force’s fitness empire, Joe attempts to recapture his old glory and win his inheritance.