To Kill an Angel

To Kill an Angel

S1 E8: Angel Kelly takes Skip, a little boy in the children's ward at a local sanitarium, on an outing to an amusement park. There, in a moment of confusion, she loses sight of the child. When Skip is alone, two hired killers bump into him making a get away where they have just murdered a man. In his rush, one of the killer drops his gun near Skip. Skip accidentally shoots Kelly and runs away. Kelly is hospitalized with a minor head wound and Angels Sabrina and Jill take up the search for Skip trying to find his whereabouts using his favorite nursery rhyme. One of the killers claiming to be Skip's father visits Kelly in the hospital and learns the clues to help him find Skip and silence him before Charlie's Angels or the police can get to him.
Starring Robert Donner, Craig Ludwin, John Zaremba