Till Death Do Us Part

Till Death Do Us Part

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S6 E3: It's Cindy Garrett and Philip Kobler's wedding day and they're taking the vows of "till death do us part" literally when they plan the murder of Cindy's father to take place right after their nuptials! Walter Garrett is an extremely wealthy entrepreneur who is married to Denise, Cindy's step-mom. With Walter dead and Denise framed for his murder, the newlyweds inherit Cindy's trust fund. Dr. Sloan, Amanda and Jesse attend the wedding as guests of their long-time friend Walter, but immediately notice his asthma acting up and keep a watchful eye on their host. Immediately following the ceremony, Walter slips into a full-blown asthma attack. Desperately hoping to revive his friend, Dr. Sloan requests Walter's inhaler and frantically administers doses to no avail. Within minutes Walter is dead! More shocking is Amanda's autopsy that reveals foul play when she finds traces of an anti-depressant drug in Walter's system that would cause a fatal reaction when used with his inhaler. (TV-PG)
Starring Patrick Duffy, Staci Keanan, Frank Feys