The Sound of Money

The Sound of Money

S1 E2: Shirley Partridge and her family are driving along in their psychedelic bus one day when Shirley accidentally bumps the car in front of her very lightly. The bump would probably have been ignored by the average motorist, but Willie Larkin, the driver of the car, leaps out in anger. Obviously unhurt, he nevertheless begins to scold the family. Shirley wants to give Willie $5 to appease him, but when Willie learns from Danny that the Partridges are in show business, he decides to sue for whiplash. Shirley's insurance company knows that she doesn't have a chance to win the case so they advise her to settle out of court and give Willie $10,000. But the kids convince Shirley that she shouldn't help a man commit fraud and they decide to take matters in their own hands. Since Willie has claimed he can't bend over, Reuben Kincaid first tries to trick him into bending while Danny is hidden with a polaroid camera. When that doesn't work, the family packs some of their belongings and move in with Willie on the pretense that they want to take care of him. After managing to make his life miserable with their kindness, while at the same time winning his affection, the Partridges are able to convince Willie he is wrong. He agrees to drop the suit.
Starring Harry Morgan, Farrah Fawcett, Kelly Britt