The Ride Home

The Ride Home

S3 E7: Upon arriving for Fran's first birthday party since her divorce, Paul and Jamie find her in a state of panic about the event. Before long, they run into Bob and Doris, a married couple whose life together has made them eerily alike one another. The encounter makes the Buchmans realize that they, too, are merging into a single identity. But when they decide it might be a good time to be seen enjoying the party on their own, everyone else thinks they are fighting. Meanwhile, Paul agrees to pose as a doctor to help Ira meet a woman, while the unexpected appearance of an old boyfriend takes Jamie by surprise. Pretending to be a doctor turns out to be a big disadvantage for Paul when he meets Carol, a network television programming executive who was hoping he was Paul Buchman the director. Deciding he can't let the opportunity get away, Paul tells Carol the truth, only to have her lose interest in him altogether' Yet he is persistent and, after revealing some private gestures he and Jamie use to communicate, Paul is invited to come in and discuss his work. When Lisa asks her permission to start dating her ex-boyfriend, Jamie learns that Alan's version of their break up differs wildly from hers. Challenging his recollections, Jamie then badgers Alan into accepting her version of the story as they agree to never speak with each other again. Unaware that he divulged some of their secrets in order to get the appointment at NBC, Jamie unknowingly offends Carol. During their cab ride home, Paul accuses Jamie of ruining his chance at directing a TV miniseries, while she complains about his lack of discretion. Finally, Jamie agrees to make up with her husband, unaware that he has invited Alan to dinner next week.
Starring Eric Stoltz, Wendie Malick, Senait Ashenafi