The Realm of Endland

The Realm of Endland

S1 E4: As mortals, Siegfried and Roy are the only ones unaffected when Loki strips Endland and its God-beings of all their power, making himself supreme in all the universe. Our heroes face a battle royal, and ultimately defeat Loki in his palace at Valhalla. In doing so, they return magic to the Titans. But when they must choose between saving Queen Alexa, (King Midas' wife, kidnapped here to Endland by Titans, back in the Year of The Darkness) and returning her to Sarmoti, or taking with them all the magic that was once in their world... they must choose Alexa. Banished back to Sarmoti without the magic, they reunite King Midas with his wife and Prince Mallory and Princess Estella with their mother. This victory is the sweetest of all. -- Then, Siegfried and Roy, Stilts and Manticore head off on a journey together, using the Book of Sarmoti as their guide, they continue to search out forgotten spots where magic might slowly be returning.