The Real World

The Real World

S1 E6: Jason's frequent use of the boats without completing the tedious, long forms each time results in Commander Lucas banning him from the boats for a week, which would take away Brett and Jason's chance to see Neri. Brett worries that Commander Lucas and his mom are being too friendly, leading Brett to lie to Commander Lucas about his mother, and then to his mother (Dianne). Commander Lucas alters Dianne's request for equipment and only provides her with half of what she needed...she says "just one is usless!" Brett and his friends high five each other after Dianne and Commander Lucas have a fight over the equipment request; they believe that Brett has dodged a bullet: he worries Commander Lucas could become his new stepfather! A pair of eager developers arrive on ORCA unannounced but with documents, expressing an interest in a nearby island-Neri's. Jason volunteers to be their guide on their visit to the island. Before the trio leave ORCA, one of the developers loses his wallet. Jodie wants a $40 tan cream so she can get the attention of a new boy in ORCA. When she finds the wallet, she tries to return it, but the developers are already on the surface. Realizing his wallet is missing, the developer tells the Commander. Jodie "borrows" $40 from the wallet, thinking she'll replace it when she gets her allowance-and then she'll give the wallet back. In the end, the busybody Vanessa finds out that Jodie took the wallet. Vanessa loans Jodie the money so she can turn in the wallet; in return, Jodie must spy on Jason and Brett for Vanessa. Once on the island Jason and Neri develop a plan to scare the developers away from the island. The developers must deal with bees, hands grabbing them from beneath the water, eerie noises, a missing Jason, spiders, snakes, and a crocodile! They fall to their knees in thankfulness when the helicopter finally arrives for them!