The Miserable Phantom Dog / Jurassic Parking Lot

The Miserable Phantom Dog / Jurassic Parking Lot

Available on Tubi TV
S1 E3: Hair-raising night-time howling. The mysterious disappearance of Mrs. Bryerson's poodle. What's going on? The clues all point to none other than the Phantom Dog Catcher! Using an undercover Fang as bait, Mona and Lily follow the dog soul-stealing villain to his lair - the astral dog kennel - for an ultimate showdown. / It's the annual science fair and Mona has pulled out all the stops. Armed with a dino D.N.A. amber tree sap sample, a papier mache exo-skeleton, and a gene-splicing recipe she found in the back of a comic book, Mona creates...a Frankensteinorsaurus! By all rights she should be the hands down winner at the science fair! That is, if and only if, she can recapture the giant lizardly beast before it destroys the town.