The Farmer Takes a Woman / Saving Mrs. Beady

The Farmer Takes a Woman / Saving Mrs. Beady

S1 E4: The animals' Saturday night dance parties keep being ruined by the farmer, who comes in to listen to sad music and cry about his former wife.  Otis and the gang decide to go online and get him a girlfriend so they can party again.  Their ad is answered by Ivana Sugardadski, who sweeps the farmer off his feet.  All's well until the animals learn that Ivana intends to take the farmer for all his money!  The animals dress Pig up as an Italian billionaire to con her off the barnyard. / The animals accidentally get Mrs. Beady committed to a mental institution, which makes Otis happy until he hears what happens to people in those places.  He vows to spring her, but when she sees them, she starts ranting and raving.  The doctors decide to remove her brain.  Otis, Pip, Pig and Abby disguise themselves as surgeons to spring her from the O.R.