The Emperor

The Emperor

Available on Pluto TV, Disney+, Hulu
S2 E22: When she decides to attend another celebrity event, Nina throws out her invitation to designer Oskar Milos' fashion show. Retrieving it from the trash, Finch persuades Maya to join him while masquerading as Nina. As Finch ingratiates himself with the fashion world celebrities, Maya is less than guarded about her opinions of Milos's new work. But she's stunned when her candid criticism appears in the next day's newspaper attributed to Nina. Meanwhile, Jack decides to help a reluctant Elliott get a date. When Nina insists she wasn't at the party, Maya steps forward to take responsibility for the misunderstanding. And wondering just how much damage she's has done, Maya is surprised when her father reveals that Milos has withdrawn almost $4 million in advertising from the magazine. So to make things right, she insists on apologizing in person. And upon arriving at the studio, she claims her remarks were misquoted. Meanwhile, Jack's lavish behind the scenes campaign impresses Meredith enough to want another date Once Milos discovers that she isn't even a fashion writer, he imperiously dismisses Maya and her opinions. Yet, when she is offended by his arrogance, Milos is intrigued. And dismissing his sycophantic assistant, Milos solicits Maya's suggestions for a new line of clothes. Following their session, Maya is delighted to accept an invitation to wear the new creation at a big charity ball. But it's only after arriving to face an army of photographers does she realize that Milos got his revenge. Finally, when Meredith balks at his latest efforts on behalf of Elliott, Jack only redoubles his resolve to win her over.
Starring Dana Carvey, Marcy Kaplan, Michael McDonald