The Crisis

The Crisis

S1 E4: Only two weeks into his new job, Dave is facing his first big news crisis. A fire has stranded a subway train between stations, leaving its 35 passengers in the dark and smoky tunnel. Though Bill suggests sticking with the station's usual approach of periodic updates with little information, Dave has other ideas. He wants to be the first station to have a reporter inside the tunnel for an eyewitness account of the rescue. There's just one problem -- the transit commission has never allowed anyone in a tunnel during an emergency. Then another problem throws a wrench into the works -- the delivery of Matthew's new desk, a purchase that was approved by Dave. While trying his best to get the transit commissioner to approve his request, Dave must fend off an endless stream of complaints by the rest of the staff about their not getting new desks, too. After Jimmy arrives with a friend to watch the staff operate during a crisis, Dave makes matters worse when he lets slip that he approved the new desk over a dinner Taking Matthew with him, Dave heads for the transit commissioner's office to see about getting access to the stalled train. Even though the commissioner refuses to even meet with him, Dave manages to steal a tunnel pass for Matthew. However, upon returning to work, Dave is shocked to find that Jimmy has authorized new desks for everyone. Taking the station owner aside, Dave then complains about undercutting his authority in the newsroom and insists on sending the new desks back at once. Meanwhile, at the disaster scene, Matthew finds it too dark and smoky to see much of anything. Finally, Dave's insistence on returning the new desks causes one last problem when the movers take the old ones, too, leaving the station without any office furniture at all.
Starring Steeve Arlen, Mark Davenport