The Cinderella in the Cardboard

The Cinderella in the Cardboard

Available on Disney+, Hulu
S4 E20: When the image of the Virgin Mary is spotted on a bale of compressed cardboard at a recycling plant, Booth and Brennan are on the scene. They discover the image is no miracle, but rather an outline of dried human blood. Upon closer inspection, they find a flattened body inside the compressed cardboard, and must find out who the victim is and who may have wanted her dead. When they discover the victim had been planning the perfect wedding for years – even before she even had a boyfriend – and was finally engaged to be married, they trace her last steps and find that her fiancé was not the only man in her life. With a trail of men from a cell-phone dating service in tow, Booth and Brennan try to understand the duplicitous woman’s dealings. Meanwhile, the pair grow suspicious when they spot Sweets’ girlfriend Daisy trying on a wedding dress with another man, and Hodgins and Angela come to terms with the status of their relationship.
Starring Carla Gallo, Michael Grant Terry, Matthew Yang King