Terror On Skis, Pt. 1

Terror On Skis, Pt. 1

S3 E17: A plot to kidnap the President's Special Envoy to the United Nations unfolds in Vail, Colorado, the sight of the World Pro Am Ski Competition. Government agent, Phil Heverly, reluctantly, enlists the Angels assistance in protecting Carl Hansworth, the Envoy. When an agent previously working on the case is fund dead by Heverly and Kris, their exchange gunfire with the unseen assailants. Hansworth refuses to drop out of the ski competition, so the Angels must simply tighten security. Members of a French radical dissident group are seeking revenge for their "unjust" prison terms. Franco Sorella, Vincenti Donettelli and his son, Paolo, plan the kidnap despite the Angels' security net. Paolo maneuvers on to the same chair lift as Hansworth but the Angels pursue them in a wild downhill ski chase. The men escape by leaping off a cliff and ski safely away. The Angels learn of Paolo's radical involvement yet he is the only link to the case. When, on a ski picnic with Paolo, Sabrina is captured by the men following a mad chase on skis.
Starring Cesare Danova, Frank M. Benard, Christopher George