Teen Angels

Teen Angels

S3 E20: The Angels assume false identities in order to investigate a murder at a posh girls' school. During their probe, they discover that some of the girls are involved in drug and alcohol selling and abuse. Their ringleader, Donna, intimidates and coerces the girls to abide by her rules. She antagonize teachers Kelly and Sabrina and tries to intimidate classmate, Kris, When the Angels piece together the clues and suspects (including maintenance man, Victor) Donna reacts by setting a fire to distract from her getaway. The Angels escape the fire and confront Donna. Victor abducts Kelly and steals a jeep for her getaway. Giving chase on horseback, Kris shoots out a tire but Victor escapes on foot. Sabrina, also on horseback, tracks him down for the capture.
Starring Audrey Landers, Jane Alice Brandon, Deborah Richter