Stolen Intelligence / Harbor Demolition

Stolen Intelligence / Harbor Demolition

S1 E4: The "Stars Earn Stripes" celebrities are confronted with a surprise shootout which leaves one celebrity operative duo to be dismissed before the next mission. Following the shootout, the remaining squads, must infiltrate an enemy village to rescue stolen intelligence while destroying communication towers and avoiding explosions. Each duo is tasked to use their grenade launcher to blow up the building before retrieving the Intel. Additionally, two celebrities will battle it out in a final shootout round with the winning team moving onto the final mission. In the final mission, the remaining celebrities will repel from a helicopter onto a moving watercraft, then climb aboard a battleship while taking out targets and finally escape from the battleship deck onto an awaiting vehicle. One squad will earn the title of "Stars Earn Stripes" Champion and over $150,000 for their respective charity. Hosted by General Wesley Clark (ret) and Samantha Harris.
Starring Laila Ali, Dean Cain, Terry Crews