Sorority Sister Killer

Sorority Sister Killer

S1 E1: Lacey, a beautiful college freshman, is beyond excited to be rushing Kappa with her best friend Tara, until an initiation hazing goes too far and Lacey walks out on them, pledging to another house. Despite the incident, Tara stays with Kappa, a choice which strongly tests the two friends. Soon after, tragedy strikes when Tara suffers a horrific and mysterious death at a frat party. The Kappa sorority turns against Lacey, accusing her of murder. Her mother, Britney, who was once a Kappa sister, battles to clear her daughter's name. The nightmare escalates when Lacey gets charged by the police for the crime, forcing both mother and daughter to track down the real sorority sister killer that has made them a target. Sarah Fisher, Ren Ashton, Lani Randol, Tyler Lain, Paige Kriet star. (2021)