Pink Blueprint / Bomb Voyage / Pink Tail Fly

Pink Blueprint / Bomb Voyage / Pink Tail Fly

S1 E1: Pink Blueprint - The Panther answers a Help Wanted sign and becomes a short-order cook in a cafe next to a building site. After repeated mishaps (pizza backed with plaster exploding oven etc.) and making the manager's life generally miserable he quits the owner puts the cafe up for sale and we close with an irate customer chasing them both into the sunset. Bomb Voyage - The Inspector attempts to rescue The Commissioner who has been captured by aliens from outer space. Pink Tail Fly - After watching television till the wee hours a sleepy PINK PANTHER trudges off to bed. Soon he becomes aware of a pesty fly which really begins to bug him. In the crazy antics that follow the Panther and the fly frantically battle to see who can outdo the other with the fly usually emerging the victor. Noticeably disturbed the Panther resorts to Karate but succeeds only in breaking up all the furniture while the fly escapes unscathed. In a sudden turnaround the fly tries a few Karate tricks on the Panther and surprisingly enough the fly's strength overwhelms the Panther who winds up outside in the rain. As the little fly contentedly settles down to watch television a drenched PINK PANTHER knocks furiously at the window.