Partridge Up a Pear Tree

Partridge Up a Pear Tree

S1 E21: Keith has a new possession, a 1952 Hudson which is his pride and joy. The car is a lemon, however, and Keith has borrowed money from everyone in the family to make payments and fix it. Danny decides to become his business manager and teach him how to handle money. Keith can't bring himself to tell Carol, his girlfriend, that he is broke. Instead, he takes her to a kiddie show and gives her homemade popcorn. She tries to get Keith to tell her the truth, but when he refuses, she runs away hurt. As Keith tries to follow her in the car it breaks down again. Shirley suggests that Keith get a job to make extra money. He first becomes a trainee to a plumber, but can't quite get the knack of plumbing. Then, he tries to learn to be a salesman of a vegetable slicer, but ends up buying the slicer for his mother. His attempt at a newspaper route ends disastrously when he sees a beautiful girl walk by. Keith tells Carol he can't take her to the prom because he is broke, and she understands. He decides, however, to sell his car. Their happiness doesn't last too long...Keith comes home with a $50 motorcycle and asks to borrow money to fix it up.
Starring Annette O'Toole, Carl Ballantine, Joseph V. Perry