Part 3

Part 3

Available on Tubi TV
S1 E4: Zeb leads Cully's son to safety and returns to the Arikara Indian camp to fire a merciful bullet, killing Cully instantly. While the Macahan family is under attack by hostile Indians, Erika joins Luke on the trail. But the lovers are ambushed by the remaining gunmen, and in a gunfight with Luke, the outlaws and Erika are both killed. Luke rides to the town of Devil's Gap to get drunk. In a saloon girl's bedroom, he says too much, and the girl turns him in for the reward. Zeb rides to Devil's Gap posing as a U.S. Marshal and gets Luke released to his custody. Learning of the trickery, bounty hunter Grey forces the local sheriff to form a posse. Zeb and Luke are chased by the posse. Grey, however, rides directly to Kate's farm, where he holds the family hostage and surprises Zeb and Luke when they arrive. Kate kills the bounty hunter in defense of her family. September, 1865--the Macahans finally head west from the Platte River for Oregon.
Starring Don Murray, Jack Elam