Part 1

Part 1

Available on Disney+, Hulu
S1 E1: Keanu Reeves tells one of the greatest underdog stories in Formula 1. In the wake of the 2008 financial crisis an under financed, independent team competed against the world’s best. Ross Brawn, the genius behind Ferrari’s and Michael Schumacher’s racing success, leads a management buyout, saving a failing Honda team from closure. Re-naming the team Brawn GP, Ross focuses on the new regulations and a young engineer uncovers something that may give his team the upper hand. In the face of adversity, working night and day, and with some help from the other teams they create a car just in time to compete in the first race, in Melbourne, Australia. Brace yourself for a thrilling journey filled with triumph, betrayal, and the relentless pursuit of glory in the captivating world of Formula 1.