One Hundred Miles a Gallon

One Hundred Miles a Gallon

S2 E19: Colt helps a friend's son, who has been framed for attempted murder by a cocaine dealer. Little Juice Atkins, son of two of Colt's oldest friends, jumps bail on an attempted murder charge after Colt used his house as collateral for his bail. Little Juice had been charged with trying to kill Ed Clarke, the man he believed was behind his father's murder. Clarke had been trying to take over local moonshine running as a cover for his cocaine operation and had Little Juice's father, Big Juice, killed when he was interfering. After finding Little Juice, Colt's plan involves getting Howie appointed temporary sheriff and for Colt to penetrate Clarke's operation in order to expose Clarke and vindicate Little Juice. The plan works, literally blowing the roof off of Clarke's operation and putting him behind bars where he belongs.
Starring Andrew Prine, Trish Van Devere, Eric Stolz