Nugget the Mermaid Hunter

Nugget the Mermaid Hunter

Available on Prime Video
S1 E1: Nugget comes back from school with a drawing of a beautiful mermaid. Jim laughs: mermaids aren’t like that at all! He knows, for he has seen plenty of them when the family was sailing the seas! This, of course, terribly vexes Nugget. She doesn’t even listen to Matilda who says mermaids do not exist! Embarrassed, Jim wants to make it up to his little sister: he is going to take her on a “mermaid safari”. But mermaids don’t exist, Matilda insists! Yeah, well, if Matilda would be so kind to use this giant tuna as a disguise, she’d make a very good mermaid! So the two kids set their plan in motion to make the little girl happy… But Nuggets finds out the truth, and is going to make them pay – with gusto!