Not of This Boy's Room / To Sleep Perchance

Not of This Boy's Room / To Sleep Perchance

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S1 E3: Aliens bent on invading the Earth accidentally abduct Bumpy; woe is they. Bumpy fouls up their invasion plans, destroying their killer robot and making the aliens feel mighty alien, before finally crash-landing the flying saucer smack dab in the middle of the boy's room. Only Elvis Presley could make things worse. Hey, who's that on the horizon with a guitar strapped across his back? Why, it's... / Heavens!! The boy can't sleep, and if he can't sleep, his Mom says he's gonna turn into a zucchini!!! Not that!! Well, Bumpy isn't gonna let that happen to his hero, his idol, the giver of all things dirty, gooey and wonderful. Nope, no way, not in a million years. Unfortunately, no matter what Bumpy tries, it only keeps the Boy more awake - obviously, since the Boy's hearing Bumpy. What to do? What to do? It is up to the Bumpmeister to make the ultimate sacrifice go up against the Closet Monster, in the hopes of letting his Boy get some shut eye. Karaoke Cafe Song Gotta Have It