My Master, the Spy

My Master, the Spy

S2 E18: Jeannie tricks Tony into going to Paris for lunch. Then he tells her he's scheduled to be at a top security conference with Gen. Peterson, Dr. Bellows and other NASA officials. Jeannie produces a duplicate Tony to appear at the conference. Two French generals see Tony in Paris and alert Dr. Bellows, who asks them to wire a photo to help him track down the imposter. Gen. Peterson agrees with Bellows that spies are seeking information on Operation Galaxy. Bellows plants a bug in Tony's office. Finding the hidden mike, Tony tells Roger that spies are onto Operation Galaxy and must be tracked down. Unaware that he is the one under suspicion, Tony feeds the mike misleading information. As a result, all gather at a deserted warehouse, each group hoping to trap the others. After a fracas involving two burglars, Bellows arrests Tony for espionage arid tells Tony the real Major Nelson is being held prisoner in Paris. When Gen. Peterson demands conclusive proof of Tony's double, Jeannie blinks and changes Tony's photo into Maurice Chevalier.
Starring Barton MacLane, Louis Mercier, Byron Morrow