My Heart Belongs to a Two-Car Garage

My Heart Belongs to a Two-Car Garage

S2 E19: The Partridge family awakens one morning to find they have an unexpected visitor: Nicholas Puskin, or, as he is otherwise known, Puskin the Magnificent. Nicholas is a jack of all trades; master chef, master carpenter, master artist, etc. Nicholas has decided to offer his services to a typical middle-class American family and the Partridges are that lucky family. The family likes Nicholas well enough, but he seems to break just as many things as he fixes. In his sincere desire to be helpful, Nicholas paints the garage door while the Partridges are away on a concert date. It may sound innocent, but Pushkin the Magnificent has painted a scantly clad young lady on the garage door, and although Nicholas is an accomplished artist, the location of the work is a cause for much embarrassment. As it turns out, Nicholas may not be the greatest of carpenters, but he is a recognized artist. The local museum purchases the garage door for a large sum, so Shirley is able to buy a new garage door and Puskin is able to take a vacation with the remaining money.
Starring Arte Johnson, David Ketchum, Jeff Donnell