Money Changes Everything

Money Changes Everything

S3 E24: Between starting a catalog for his sporting goods store and having a new girlfriend, Susannah, things seem to be going Ira's way. But when his ex-wife Marianne suddenly arrives after the death of her latest husband, a European count, Paul is certain things are about to take a turn for the worse. Although neither Ira, Jamie or Susannah seem upset with her sudden appearance, Paul is unhappy, especially when Marianne offers to loan Ira the money to finance his latest venture. But when she also produces some tickets for a big basketball game, even Paul is tempted to change his opinion. While hoping to persuade Ira to change his mind, Paul tries convincing Susannah that Marianne's reappearance means nothing. Yet, as they are preparing to leave for the game, Paul discovers that Ira has accepted Marianne's offer of a loan. But when Paul refuses to sign the papers, the two cousins end up not speaking with one another. As a result, a disgruntled Paul ends up in a fight at the game with New York Knick's star Patrick Ewing. After five days of Paul and Ira not talking to each other, Jamie has had enough, especially since she and Fran are working on Ira's new catalog. However, when an argument reveals that neither Jamie nor Ira liked one another at first, even they end up not speaking to one another. When Paul finally agrees to sign the loan papers, Marianne sweetens the deal with a loan to finish his latest film. Seeing it as the way to help his cousin, he accepts and then gives the check to Ira. Finally, to get the money he needs to finish his film and pay back Marianne, Paul considers a lawsuit against Patrick Ewing.
Starring Paul Reiser, Cyndi Lauper, John Pankow