Just a Small Circle of Friends

Just a Small Circle of Friends

S2 E23: Colt rescues a beautiful young heiress who has been brainwashed by an extremist religious cult. Colt and Howie attempt to retrieve the beautiful young daughter of a wealthy industrialist from her new family, an extremist religious cult known as The Love Truths, led by their Guru, Baba Love Truth. Page Connally is about to inherit a large inheritance from her father, Carson Connally – and Baba Love Truth, who is really con-man Delmore Tibbs, plans on getting his hands on it. When Colt first encounters problems gaining access to Page and then realizes she is completely brainwashed, he brings in Terri to penetrate the cult and then teams with Page's father, Carson, in affecting the escape with Page. The plan works just as Terri is about to succumb to the brainwashing influence of Baba and his followers.
Starring Jenny Sullivan, John Vernon, Guy Stockwell