Invasion of the Katrinians

Invasion of the Katrinians

Available on adult swim, Prime Video, Hulu, Sling TV, Max
S2 E9: In spite of Granddad's attempts to ignore them, he and the boys are visited by Cousin Jericho Freeman and his family of homeless refugees from Hurricane Katrina. With nowhere to go, Jericho and his clan need a place to stay until they can return to New Orleans, a request that Granddad grudgingly honors. While Huey is glad to lend a helping hand, Riley is adamant about kicking them to the curb, especially after meeting his cousin Nique. But Granddad's decision becomes impossible to reverse once a television news crew arrives to document his humanitarian act. The houseguests haven't been in residence for more than a couple of days before Granddad starts looking to get rid of them. Once Uncle Ruckus gets word of the visitors, he seizes upon the opportunity to unleash a racist rant critical of Jericho's family. When Jericho looks to strike back, it falls to Tom to restore order. Though he's glad when Jericho promises to pay him back for everything once his FEMA check arrives, Granddad is distressed to learn that the money is still months away, while even Huey wonders if he can take it.
Starring Cedric the Entertainer, DeRay Davis