Incident of the Reunion

Incident of the Reunion

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S4 E26: The sons of an American general and an Indian chief both disagree with their fathers on how to prevent a bloody war. Army scout-Pete Nolan, a former drover for Gil Favor, works out a treaty with Pawnee Indian chief Gray Hawk whereby the Pawnees, for keeping the peace, will receive 500 head of cattle from the U. S. government. Despite this, Wild Horse, the chief's son, carries out on his own three raids against white settlers. Gen. Augustus Perry, hard, tough and known as Old Iron Pants, is sent from Washington to deliver the cattle. When he hears of Wild Horse's forays, however, he decides against delivering the cattle despite the pleadings of his son, Lt. Mathew Perry. When the hungry Pawnees learn of the general's decision, they make plans for war, goaded on by Wild Horse. Meanwhile, Lt. Perry, aided by Gil, continues to try to change his father's mind Gray Hawk also tries to keep his son under control. Neither is successful. (TV-PG)
Starring Walter Pidgeon, Darryl Hickman, Anthony Caruso