How Lucky Can You Get?

How Lucky Can You Get?

S1 E22: Tony and Roger decide to go to Reno. Roger's vision of becoming a multimillionaire with Jeannie's help disappears when Tony tells him Jeannie is not going with them. Roger smuggles Jeannie along in Tony's briefcase. Arriving there, he asks Tony, unaware that Jeannie is with them, to bet fifty dollars for him. However, Jeannie escapes from the briefcase, and Roger loses the money. Time after time, Roger gets Tony to play for him. Unfortunately, each time he is unable to make contact with Jeannie, and Roger keeps losing. Finally, hoping to make a killing, Roger tells Jeannie to make Tony roll 7's and 11's at the dice table. Agreeing to bet one dollar for Roger, Tony starts winning, arousing the suspicions of the Dealer and Pit Boss. When Tony tells Roger he is tired of 7 and 11, Jeannie blinks and the dice become two 7's. Extricating himself from the security policemen, Tony tells Roger, he never wants to see Reno again. When Jeannie states she's much better at horse races, Tony replies its a wonderful idea. Jeannie blinks and Roger finds himself cast as a jockey at the racetrack.
Starring Tim Herbert, Buddy Lewis, Paul Hahn